Six ChatGPT 3.5 Prompts that Replace a Writing Team — Inspired by AI Guy Thomas Smith

Last week Thomas wrote a story about his AutoGPT 4 writing process — I replicated it

Teresa J Conway 🧚🏻‍♀️
13 min readApr 26, 2023


A person working on a laptop creating content
The prompt for this image was suggested by AI from my 4th prompt (Image: Author, created on DALL-E using the prompt — A person working on a laptop creating content — suggested by another prompt you’ll see below).

This one is going to be a little mind-bending, so buckle up. I am writing about the ai writing prompts I built, based on a story about ai writing prompts I read, using the ai writing prompts I wrote, to write part of the story you are now reading. I will clarify where the ai wrote something so you can keep track. [Grammarly asked me to clarify this paragraph — I can’t, so you’ll have to keep reading].

AI is fascinating, and I’ve been fangirling over it for a long time, even though it was sort of useless until last Fall.

This story is about how I developed the prompts to build my writing team, after I read Thomas Smith’s story last week about his fully automated writing team. His ai process writes and then spins a draft article through a professional writing team on its own in a few minutes, based on a few words of input. It costs him $1 to do what it would cost a writing team to do for hundreds or thousands if you had one.

Here is his story —

